Friday, June 09, 2006


Although our government may want to take us down in the middle of the night as they do with immigrants to this country (supposed land of Liberty), that we, as humans on this planet, have the birthright of freedom.

At the San Francisco Zoo on Wednesday I made eye contact with the silverback gorilla of a group. He sat, Buddha-like, in the center of his home, meditating. Meanwhile, despite signs with anxious fingers over lips, children went unattended and shrieked like banshees. I stood stock-still until he looked back at me, this gorgeous lug, with deep, wet eyes. Oh, we've got it all wrong.

All of us thinking about how to make change think about the small things; start with not shopping at Target, because of their pro-life policies of not requiring their pharmacists to sell the morning after pill to women who show up to buy it. We wear American Apparel tees because the price tag reflects living wages for American workers. We purchase organic food and meat out of respect for both the planet and our own bodies, challenged and stressed by the artificial crash course of our cities. We buy in bulk, we carry reuseable containers, we bike, we talk.

What about the bigger part of the picture? The heartbreaking whole of it? Are we so cowed by the enormity of our task that we've no idea what to do beyond walking consumerism a different way? I ask myself this question daily, and want to be a part of the revolution, now and in the future. Ideas, please. Community, please. Because the world can't wait.

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