Monday, February 22, 2010

Money on Rollerskates

Oft has this blog been found through searching, strangely enough, for "ponysex." Talking Pony, not, You-Know Pony! Here are some of the more obscure ways readership for this mothership (of thoughts from me to you) has been obtained (English teacher says: Stop using the passive voice!):

+ "Vegetable eat palace"

+ "Turning into bushy squirrel"

+ "Audrey pony man"

+ "Free call: talking without pony"

+ "Where are the trannies on Sunday?"

+ "Tranny talking about how it is"


+ "Sexy Armenian mister"

Animals, man-erals, transsexuals: and here I thought I was just doodling my comedic sensibility. That, and receiving money on rollerskates.

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