Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bikram + Cows

Bikram Choudhury, developer of my favorite kind of yoga, needs a bovine-related intervention. Case in point #1: his fetish with the hamburger and accompanying slurring of vegetarianism of any breed. Since when do vegetarians die weak and early? Never mind that India, from whence both yoga and Bikram himself come, is packed full of plant-eaters. Case in point #2: when star teacher Emmy Cleaves, commenting on his preference students practice in a 105 degree room, said to Bikram that "if you'd turn down the stupid heat, this room would be much more full," he replied "An empty barn is better than a barn full of naughty cows." Naughty cows? Cows that aren't cooked and/or sweating bullets in their Lululemon outfits? Case in point #3: All Bikram studios contain portraits of Bikram and his gurus, and one if not all sit on tiger-skin rugs: you know, the kind with the giant tiger head placed just forward of the dude's full lotus. It's like Bikram's spelling it out in no uncertain terms: Cow, see what I did to the tiger.

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