Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pony Seen Talking!

Dear Reader,
In celebration of this, the 100th posting of Talking Pony, I unveil to you yours truly's theatrical demo reel. As a result of viewing it, not only will you be convinced I can break a glass, talk next to a fence, answer a phone, and play with animals, your eyes will begin to glow like so many coveted, twinkling diamonds. Your whole mug will look like a Tiffany's counter as you consider the possibility of such an actress in either a horse costume or wielding cop paraphernalia as she lays down the law. You may even imagine me making you a sandwich, because you are hungry and have spent too much time browsing the internet. I hope you enjoy almond butter and jam, because that's what I've got in my fridge. If you want to go shopping, I'll make you something else...after all, what a multi-carated sweet face you've got.
Thanks for all the reading you've done thus far on my blog, even if you are only me writing it.

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