Monday, June 11, 2007

Come All Ye Traif-ful

Such a good Jew am I that even after my dietary revisions to exclude blood agglutinating wheat and body poisoning sugar, I toss my unsweetened spelt pizza crust on the counter pre-bake and proceed to dress it with mozzarella and pepperoni. Lots of pepperoni.

Ignore the picture, folks: it's meant only as a vague representation. Imagine loads more pork and nitrate filled deli sausage slices piled high. Maybe for effect stick an angry rabbi in the background, or at least my horrified mother who is convinced that her toaster was bequeathed to her from the machinations of Adolf himself.

Dietary regimens, cultural history, the sensitive digestion of my people: all touchy subjects; subjects that can lead to two sets of knives and/or being unable to order anything on a menu, as you consider it Not Real Food. Come now, you say: Pepperoni? You consider that Real Food?

No, say I. Oh no. It's dessert.

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