Monday, March 30, 2009

Dress British, Think Yiddish

Yesterday not only did this kid get to meet living legend A.C. Lyles, a Paramount Pictures institution since—no joke–1929, but I got to play Vanna and hold the award he was collecting while he told stories about the stars. Mae West once gave him a lucky penny upon hearing the mailboy's producer aspirations, and said to wear it in his shoe until he made it (he did on both counts). He even graced us all with a nugget of advice which sums up what I've always suspected about success (aside from in-cent-ives). Lyles paused, said, "Dress British, think Yiddish." Dear audience, with this noggin, I am only one Topshop trip away.

1 comment:

Porter Singer said...

i suppose if you are going to do anything british it would have to be the clothes...