Friday, October 27, 2006

Marketing Executives Are Slipping

Two of my friends and I were sitting around the dinner table. The question posed: “If you could change any part of your body, what would it be?”

Claire shrugged and said, "I've always thought my feet were a little small. I guess I'd like my feet to be bigger."

Shana brought up the tiny scars on her leg from her semester in Nepal.

I said, "More seratonin!"

There used to be a day when three twentysomething women sitting around a dinner table post-grind would push away their barely-touched plates of pasta, throw up their mitts, and wail about lipo. They'd whine over implants, drool at the mention of augmentation, and put their thighs in the line of fire. They would actually consume that poisonous substance they call artificial sweetener.

Clearly marketing exectutives are slipping.

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