Monday, May 04, 2009


I received an email from my friend Josh today that included the abbreviation "w/r/t." This usually stands for "with regard to," but let's not overlook the fact that Josh is a genius web designer, has a cool haircut, and hangs out with a cat named Trouble. He could have things up his sleeves. He could be making other meanings. The following is a compilation of the possible phrases and questions to live by that Josh may have meant:

+ Western revelation: toothpicks.
+ Whose reactive turkey?
+ Wilderness retreats tank.
+ Wither, rakeless tree!
+ Why return togas?
+ When regurgitating: teepees.

1 comment:

JoshR said...

oh thanks! but i meant "when reading Tolstoy" -- as in "you should be more careful w/r/t the cat could be nibbling your toe." i should have put a comma in there!