Thursday, October 01, 2009

Maria Callas at a Vegetable Palace

Some people see food as just a biological need or a form of entertainment, but I have a relationship with it that is operatic. Witness me nearing lunchtime, ye disbelievers! I believe in fresh, organic ingredients and attentive, tender care of them much more than I believe in medicine, doctors, diagnoses. I put produce through my juicer religiously; saute vegetables and arrange meals with speed and artistry; plan what I'll make as if I'm running my own restaurant. I am, and I really like what the chef makes. Whether it's spinach lasagna made with tofu ricotta, barbeque tempeh, mushrooms, and swiss chard, or a spicy Thai curry, I...drool, drool...I gotta go cook. Welcome to my kitchen. Where I will never have to wear a hairnet.

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